Talks & Conferences
Sat Nov 13th
Time: 11:00
Steorn is a research and development company that began life in the field of electronic fraud counter-measures. 'In 2004, whilst investigating power supply options for a project, we discovered a curious anomaly in which the manipulation of magnetic interactions appeared to create energy. Although it seemed impossible at first – it runs contrary to one of the central tenets of physics – extensive research convinced us that the phenomenon is very real.
'Test after test after test has produced the same result: the Orbo effect, as we have dubbed it, means that a system can produce more energy that it consumes. Over the years, we have developed a number of test configurations with the ultimate aim of allowing any competent individual to validate our claims for themselves. We are confident that our latest configuration – Solid State Orbo – does just that. For our Dublin Innovation event, we propose to invite interested parties to our office in Dublin 3. There, Sean McCarthy, our CEO, will give a short presentation on Orbo, followed by a demonstration of the Solid State configuration. The event will conclude with a Q & A session. Since this technology is controversial, to say the least, we expect the event to be quite lively.'
'It’s difficult to conceive of a technology that is more innovative than Orbo. We are not only doing something that has never been done before, we are doing something that is generally believed to be impossible. A world in which our technology was widely disseminated would be very different to the one in which we live today. Our global addiction to fossil fuels would be broken. Indeed, all traditional sources of power would be rendered obsolete. Society as a whole, top to bottom, would be transformed. We have never asked anyone to “take our word for it” regarding Orbo and completely understand the scepticism that any scientifically literate person will feel. But even the very idea that such changes could emanate from a small company in Dublin should excite anyone with a genuine interest in innovation.'
This is an application only event. To apply please follow the link below
- Event Organiser: Steorn
- Contact Email:
- Contact Name: Richard Walshe
- Phone: 01 487 1000
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