Monday, January 3, 2011


Mongolian dream – Beautiful Mongolia” NGO Executive Director N. TSENDMAA

What will be our Mongolian Dream? Today we talk about it.
“My original idea is search for the ways to stabilize the society. It will be good to establish world-wide peace and friendship, not seeking for owner rulers of many nations and regions”
"Our goals will become obvious by the time when the entire Universe from dawn to sunset unite and consolidate under the power of the eternal Heaven”
– this was the Dream of our heavenly noble ancestors.

In this connection, I would like to share with you one incident in my life. When I was a student of the Seoul University in Korea I issued a magazine “Great Nation” in Korean in order to promote Mongolia. I invited a famous Korean writer-the author of books about Chinggis Khaan including “History Formed by Great Storms” with epigraph: “Devoted to the late time Chigguis Khaans”, “Millennium Historic Man” and some others, as a guest of one issue of my magazine. To my question ‘why do you study the history of Mongolia?’ he responded very briefly: “Because I was born from your history”, and shared with us from his small history, that served as a lesson for us to think over again about our national values.

In 1960 – 70s, when Korea was in crisis and the life of people was poor and needy, 12-year-old Kim Jon Rhe, who lived with his mother, left his mother and  village in a distance of 100 km from Seoul, to study and get educated in the capital city. When the young fellow, who had used to live in poor little village left for Seoul to study, his mother could not give him much money. His mother told him to use this money to buy books when he felt lonely or missed home because in them he could find his mother.

One time he felt upset and discomforted and he bought a book to meet his mother. That book’s name was “Small Temuujin”. After reading the book he found an experience, that he had to adopt into his life. He learnt while reading about a small boy Temuujin, left orphan at age 9, whоm his father died, and was left by neighbors, without friends but his shadow, without sputniks but tail, he ate field mice and gophers to survive, and eventually he became the Great Mongolian Khaan, who conquered the half of the world.

At that time he told to himself “What a wonderful success he had achieved? Can’t I be like him? My life is very similar to his one. If not to conquer a half of the world, isn’t there a way to become a man, who does good and useful things for his native country Korea and his people”.

When little Temuujin was poor and needy and had no friends, he had a great strong dream to unite his people left him, to form and establish the noble royal state, inherited from his great ancestors, to become in future the Khaan of all Mongols. To materialize his dream, he overcame the hardships encountered with squeezed teeth, learnt to be dogged and enduring, managed to become a leader, who found friends shrived together with him. Having compiled a team of friends and supporters, uniting them under a challenge/dream to form a Mongolia state, he expeditiously launched the materialization of his dreams. In the course of acting fast to attain the goals, they united, consolidated and succeeded acting as a single person. In other words,
  1. Great dream
  2. Neutrality
  3. Fast execution
  4. United team work. 
These were four principles strictly adhered to by little Temuujin to become the Khaan of All Mongols. “This is how I started my life, I grew big and famous, so that you came from Mongolia to interview me. From the history of Mongolia I was born to grow into such a big person”, said Kim Jon Rho. He concluded: “Mongolian history is a great dream and will, and a value, that teaches how to succeed”.

From here it is seen how critically important to learn from ancestors’ skills and wisdom. We know what a wonderful victories were achieved by them in restricted conditions of only riding horses and holding swords. Haven’t we got now a possibility to achieve even more leaping successes at the time, when the horse speed was replaced by Internet speed? Where can we get the basis of such a capacity? From the history, from the traditions.

If we study as lessons  the examples of successes achieved by our great historic persons, adopt them, and add to them the modern technology, knowledge and learn from the enormous accumulated knowledge and wisdom of national and foreign scholars, we may become twice stronger and capable. Such a possibility does exist. If we manage to absorb great dream, team work, fast execution, and solidarity and cooperation – all the secret of success factors of grandious victories of our Great Knaan, - this will put the basis for Mongolian human development and proper foundation for Mongolian development and prosperity.

Neglecting or forgetting our past and talking solely about today will be similar to giving up a part of a whole, or building a house without foundation. If we compare the development of Mongolia with constructing a house, we should not neglect a great knowledge and wisdom, that serve as a sound and strong foundation. How our ancestors managed to leave for us the Mongolian state with its territory, wealth, with independent government? How such a competitiveness to conquer the half of the world, being fast and powerful, was created in those days, when there were no modern internet and machines? There is no need to worship blindly our ancestors or Chingguis Khaan, or to have an attitude of empty pride. It seems that everyone should adopt a very conscious approach and learn how such great victories were achieved, how to learn from them, and what possibilities exist to do more than what could be done at that time.

There is a wise prophesy: “To save the nation, save your roots, which are our seeds and future. If the soul and feelings of our future generations are correct and noble, the nation will have a destiny to grow and prosper”. Today, when the development of Mongolia is talked much, emphasis are mainly put on external development factors like monetary reserves, state budget, economic investment, minerals, tourism and etc. However, like the example of building a house, human development including education, upbringing and forming, steaming from the traditions - the house foundation, are left or given less priority. Therefore, we conduct together with Education channel a series of TV lectures on “Developing by applying Mongolian knowledge and wisdom” inviting for this the educated and knowledgeable people – the pride of the Mongolia nation, who inherited and carry on the outstanding wisdom and knowledge of our great ancestors, with the agenda:”Forming Good Mongolians” within the campaign work :”Mongolian Dream”. The essence is this. 


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